Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji ki Fateh! My name is Avneet. My brother taught me how to make a blog. If
you want to see his, it is renoseek.blogspot.com(something got wrong with the links)
In case you are wondering,SSA stands for Sat Sri Akal, which is a way of saying hello in punjabi. Please comment on some of the posts :)
Reno, Nevada, United States
Im a weirdo little kid who doesnt really stick to 1 thing.. View my complete profile
ssa! I'm trying to play a song called stairway to heaven on the piano. And since i dont have the music for it, i'm trying to look for the easy music to play on the internet. And i cant read tabs.
I finally got a camera!! I wanted 1 for so longgggggg. i like to take pictures of scenery in reno.(i carefully avoid power lines) I took these pics in the car and the last 1 in the bathroom.
sorry i havnt been on for so long, i had to go to school and stuff + my brother is here so he hogs the computer:) ive been browsing the internet and stuff and i found a really good website about news and the earth and global warming and stuff here is the url http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032493/